Better statistics of studying
I would like to be able to see how many word in the deck I have gotten right so far in the study session I started. Currently, we are only able to see the number of cards on the deck we are studying through the filter option. I would like to see it while I'm swiping and also see how many I got right / how many have become learned cards.
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Chart of growing vocabulary
Karel Křesťan
I always like to see my progress in time and I believe most users love it too, so I think it might be a good idea to include a chart showing how much your vocabulary is growing over time.
Even a simple chart where I can see that during last 6 months, I learned 500 new words would come a long way, but with a few more touches (like comparing number of known words with numbers expected for A1, A2 etc. speaker), this could be a great motivator that is not hard to implement. Thank you!
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More detailed statistics
I appreciate the existing statistics feature in the app, but I find it quite minimal. I would love to see more detailed statistics, such as a calendar where I can track the days I studied words. It would also be great to have data on how many words I learned each month, along with various charts and visualizations to make progress tracking more insightful.
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Statistics yearly like spotify wrapped
wiktoria Długosz
I would like to see at the end of a year my statisticts similar to spotify wrapped or duolingo. It would feature how many cards i learned, how much time i had spend learning etc.
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Learning volume future projection
Mordecai Paechter
A graph that shows when cards will come up for review. For instance I could see: 10 cards to come due in one hour, 25 in 11 hours, another 14 in 2 days, another 15 in 3 days, etcetera. This would be very useful in planning when to add new vocabulary.
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Better statistics and goals for learned words.
Антон Бойко
Измените цель! Не сколько дней подряд учить, а сколько новых слов хочешь например выучить за период. Потом с проверкой тестом. Искус.интеллект может формировать текст с пропуском слов и в пустые места нужно вставить выученные слова. Когда нет статистики по выученным словам, падает мотивация. Я уже 2 месяца учу а моя цифра на экране не растет и от этого опускаются руки. Статистика должна быть видна по выученным словам по дням по неделям по месяцам.
It would be nice to see the time spent in the app too!
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Hello! Please, make in some section of statistics, the number of cards clicked per day? or something else that would help me brag to my mom, because I don't understand how to say how much I studied today. It seems like sometimes sooooo much! But how much - I can't say exactly, although I feel very proud. Thank you for the incredible application
Владимир Беликов