Add gender article when saving a word
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The gender of nouns and the plural form should be explained in the cards
So for example in German, it doesn't make sense to have a flashcard in which the article (gender) and the plural form of the word are not mentioned. For example for "Werk", the explanation should have "das Werk", plural: "die Werke"
Christian Pieters
Agree, the same for Ukrainian nouns.
Anton Sergeyev
Agree, and I also left a similar feedback in the app itself. Hope they could add this!
I use built in AI to check gender and plural. And save it in card in braces like (m) (f) (n) - BTW app automatically paints these signs different color)
But yes - having some tool like 'give me base info about word' that would show:
For nouns
- this word in single indefinite form
- gender
- defindefinite form (in Rimanian language definite and indefinite it changes ending of the word)
- single and plural
Fir verb
- infinitive
Often I face with new words in specific forms like past or plural and I have to google the basic form of the word
I just add "the" and the article appears. Then I remove the, because it looks clearer, but you can leave it anyway
dzedlajga but it gives you so much more unnecessary work -_-
Maria Ryabtseva
Please please please! So tired of always checking third party websites just to add an article.
Cool that it already has "gendered" color
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Artikel in German
We want to automatical Artikel (der, die, das) adding.
When we write a Word, App should automatically add Artikel.
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show article and plural of nouns automatically
Maria Miklosik
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add articles automatically
It would be useful if the app add articles (la/el in Spanish, der/die/das in German) to new words automatically. Sometimes I have to guess if it's feminine or masculine. And maybe similar functionality for Slavic languages where grammatical gender is important but article is not used.
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Add Verb Forms / Präpositionen / Plural (German)
Prickly Muffin
It is very important to learn some rules together with words:
- for instance for verbs it is important to have Konjugations and prepositions
- for nouns it is important to have plural etc
Every time I need to add this information manually and it drives me nuts.
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