Incorrect translations
Sometimes builtin translator when adding new card work not correct. It is noticible when you work with nonEnglish languages. For example translate from Romanian to Russian often incorrect. At the same time if I ask for translation in AI - it works brilliant so suppose different engines used
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Špatný překlad
Kateřina Zelená
Ahoj, učím se němčinu a v příběhu se mi objevuje anglické slovíčko místo německého. Je to navíc slovíčko, které se učím z karet. "Würde gern" je nahrazeno "would". Jak to mohu opravit? Děkuji
Darren Black
Why be so rude?
Hi Kateřina, does this happen regularly, or is this the first time?
Tanya Vichkanova
I support this request. The transaction is not great
Radek Drlik
I have also bad translations sometimes. But even google translator doesnt give me right translate sometimes. The best translations I get from chatgpt. And the most best, when I provide context for translating.. Couldnt help to provide context for translating words...mayby with possibility use context for only one word or phrase...or for whole dictionaries/sets. I mean its different if I want translate same word in context of casual life vs specialized area like software engineering etc...
Sylwia B
I have also similar feelings. Actually because of this I totally lost trust and passion to learn in this app. Some words are mistakly translated. Other are translated in such a strange form that it's not in common used
Petr from DuoCards
Hello, we are using the newest version of DeepL or Google-translator as a fallback for language not listed in DeepL or for cases when DeepL can't translate. Could you give us some examples of wrong translations? Thank you
Yaroslav Savchenko
Petr from DuoCards
Sonya Sadekova
Petr from DuoCards Sometimes it gives one of the possible translations but not the suitable one according to the context, often it is completely irrelevant. Maybe it is possible to give several options to choose from?
Samuel Recker
Petr from DuoCards I also face this issue (albeit not that often, maybe every 20-30 words) when translating from english to german. E.g. "clamor" gets translated to "Zeter und Mordio" which I have never before heard in my life. I think instead of "fixing" broken translations it would be a good fix to let the user select from a list of possible translations - a multiple choice list would be particularly pleasing! As for UI/UX i think putting a little dropdown arrow left to the button that sets the source language would be a good fit.
Petit bolé
Petr from DuoCards
It's weird. Google Translate and DeepL are correct but not DuoCards.
Márton Király
Petr from DuoCards
I use Norwegian- English flashcards.
The last example.
Norwegian: late
English offer by duo cards: pretend.
It would be good, but in the description it write about lazy. What could be good to, but not write anything about the use of pretend.
I scripted chatgpt for myself wher it write:
"The Norwegian word "late" can have a few different meanings, depending on the context:
- Å late som – To pretend
When combined with "som", it means "to pretend."
Example: "Han later som om han er syk." – "He pretends that he is sick."
- Å late seg – To be lazy or to lounge around
When used reflexively (late seg), it means to be lazy or to take it easy.
Example: "Hun liker å late seg i helgene." – "She likes to lounge around on weekends." "